It is the season for Party Dresses!

Posted by myGPT Team | 11:50 PM | 0 comments »

The partridge might not yet be on the pear tree, nor are
the chestnuts already roasting on the open fire. But with
the chill in the air and the telltale humming of familiar,
jolly, old tunes from many an Underground passenger, you
know it's coming and there's no stopping it! That's right,
barely 60 days to go, and the most wonderful time of the
year is here!

Christmas is the time of giving, of family and friends, and
of added kilos that'll take at least half of the coming
year to lose. It's also the time of parties, parties, and
more parties. This, in turn, translates to dresses,
dresses, and more dresses. Unfortunately, you can't 'panic'
buy your party frocks like you would your parents'
presents. Don't fret, however. Simply follow these simple
do's and don'ts when it comes to planning the season's
wardrobe, and you'll be the belle of the ball!

The Do's

1. Know the dress code. Different parties hosted by
different people with different styles will inevitably have
different dress codes. It is, therefore, important to keep
track of these dress codes, lest you show up in
inappropriate garb and end up the odd woman out - or worse!

2. Get red-y! If the extremely mind-boggling decision of
what to wear to the next party, well, boggles you, it's
best to be safe rather than sorry. In many a Christmas
shindig, you can never go wrong with wearing red. Don a
metallic red party dress, ridiculously high strappy red
shoes, or even a shiny, red nose, and you're a guaranteed
shoo-in. Why, it certainly worked on Rudolph!

3. Show some sense - of humor, that is! Christmas is the
time for joy and laughter, so why not contribute to the
holiday cheer with an outrageous accessory, or two? Jazz up
your outfit with candy cane stockings; accentuate your
coiffure with a fluffy Christmas hat. You will definitely
be the life of the party!

4. Sparkle up! It's Christmas, after all! It's the perfect
opportunity to dazzle, so mix and match and glow! Put on a
silver metallic strapless party dress, and complement it
with red or green accessories. Or, wear extra glamorous
makeup with sparkling glitter to get you in the mood to
party. In other words, don't just feel festive - look

The Don'ts

1. Don't wear Christmas jumpers. At least, not in a
Christmas party. If it's a party that your mum is throwing,
however, by all means, wear the jumper. You know, the
overdecorated ones with the snowman decal, or the grinning
elf embroidered up front.

2. Don't wear matching outfits. This should be outlawed for
anyone over the age of 6. 'His and her outfits' spell 'his
and her corny'.

3. Don't jingle bells. And necklaces. And earrings. And
bracelets. You are not in a one-horse open sleigh, nor are
you a reindeer. The only thing that should be jingling and
tinkling in a Christmas party are glasses of champagne in a

So you see, <a
dresses</a> are simply delightful little things that you
can wear in delightful little (or not so little)
gatherings, not rocket science. It's okay to be frivolous
for a change during the holidays. Just make sure that you
won't overdo it, or else you'll find yourself haunted by
the ghosts of Christmas' past outfits.

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