Avoiding First Date Jitters

Posted by myGPT Team | 11:27 PM | 0 comments »

Exciting as a first date can be, you can't help but feel
anxious about that impending event. Your anxiety is not
without good reason. Because spending a special night with
a potential lover should not be taken lightly. And
everything should be in order before that special night
happens. How you play your cards will determine whether a
date is worth another try.

Now that you have passed the 'asking for a date' phase, the
next thing that you have to be keen on is the first date.
For blind dates, this could be extra hard because daters
don't have much of an idea about their would-be dates. For
most people, however, they already know in advance the
appearance, the qualities and traits of the person they
would be dating. This is probably the reason they are going
out with their dates in the first place—somehow they
find something interesting and attractive about this person.

But it's like a battleground out there, because in a date
the two of you are enemies testing each other's wit. Just
like in a real war, until one conquers another, there will
be no unity. One good point in Sun Tsu's The Art of War is
that it stated that in every battle one has to know thy
enemy. And when you are aware of your enemy's strengths and
weaknesses, you can use specific weapons in your arsenal to
defeat him or her.

While it is true that actions speak louder than words, it
doesn't necessarily mean being aggressive. Gentle actions
or gestures wouldn't hurt. But do not try to test the limit
of your date because more often than not, you'll be sorry.
It is still best to sway your date with your sincerity
coupled with some sense of humor. Don't talk too much,
though. Whether you're talking about your career or just
murmuring sweet nothings, the person in front of you might
find you boring. If your date is constantly looking at the
clock or simply tapping the table with his or her fingers
then you need to worry.

It is good not to ask when you will go out again right
after a date. This is especially important if you are a
girl because it may give a false impression to the guy. On
the other hand, the girl may feel pressured the moment you
pop up that question. So if you were a guy, it's safe to
ask politely if you can see each other again. The
difference between the two questions lies in its
certainty—the former seeks for a specific date while
the latter only hopes for another possible meeting. If the
answer is a 'yes' or 'sure', then most likely you're in for
another night out. A 'maybe' is a safe answer. To the guy,
it would mean that there is a chance that the two of you
will meet again, however slim it may be. For the girls, it
means having ample time to think things over while not
giving away your true feelings.

Marvin Perry is the founder of Athletic-Dating.com, Marvin
is an avid athlete and he has always had a passion for
physical fitness. It was Marvin's passion for physical
fitness which motivated him to create the web site =>

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