Are you tired of waiting for that Harry Winston or Tacori
engagement ring? (Or any kind of ring for that matter?) How
many Valentine's, birthdays, and anniversaries have you
spent hoping that this will be the night that he pops the
question? Is he ever going to marry you? How do you get a
man to marry you?
Before you start planning your strategy perhaps you may
want to consider your boyfriend's personality style. While
there are various kinds of slack arsed boyfriends who have
yet to pop the question we are only going to cover a couple
here. Is your man one of these?
* The Career Man. This guy has a career plan in place. He
has his promotions all planned, and probably a 5 year plan.
While this guy is focusing on his career, nothing else will
be distracting him. Do you know how many more years he has
before he feels secure enough to slow down and contemplate
matrimony and the white picket fence? It may or may not be
a time frame to your suiting.
If you have plenty of years left you may be happy to wait.
If you are in a rush and this guy is nowhere near the top
of the corporate ladder you may have to look elsewhere for
your rock. You may well be in this guy's plans for down the
track. Talk to him and see where he is headed and if you
are included. No point supporting him through every career
crisis if he is not planning on rewarding you at the end.
* Damaged Goods. This guy is still getting over is last ex.
There may or not be a whole string of nasty relationships
in the past. How many years does it take to earn his trust?
This guy may be so mistrustful of females that he will
never want to commit to anyone ever again. If you have
given it your best shot, you can either wait a bit longer
or tell him you don't want to wait forever. Be ware of the
guy who fobs you off for years with answers like "I am
still not ready". If his healing is taking longer than the
previous relationship lasted there is something wrong.
There are endless ways to get a man to marry you. If your
boyfriend's personality type was not one of the above, then
you will need to do a little research. In the end it's
worth it.
Author Billy Baker has a long background in the dating
arena and has provided more information for you on getiing
a man at
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