The guy you have always liked has finally asked you for a
date tonight. It is not important to ask why and how in the
world did he ever thought about asking you in the first
place. The only thing that matters is that you and your
dream guy will be finally spending the time of your lives
in a matter of a few hours. So what do you need to do next?
Pick the right look. With this in mind, girls most often
than not go for the look that makes the guys go wild. Not
on your first date. Some would actually tell you to dress
like his favorite movie actress. Or even something that
matches his taste. Keep in mind that in the future, this
would be a problem especially if you have different tastes.
Go on your date looking like yourself. First impressions
actually do not last and even if your style is not what he
wants, he might go for your inner self. So what you lack in
appearance, just bring on to your attitude. Do not pretend
to be what you are not. Be sure that in everything you do,
it shouts your name. You wouldn't want to be dating a
pretender yourself do you?
If the look and the attitude is fine and on the go, you
should prepare some simple conversation starters. Topics
about religion and race are a no-no. The two of you could
talk about your jobs, what you would want to do in the
future or latest news today. Seemingly, it is also fair for
you to talk about your likes and dislikes as long as you
keep it general.
Do not be choosy on where your date will be happening. As
long as you feel that it is the appropriate venue for your
first date, go for it. If not, you may suggest a little
something that will make both of you feel comfortable
spending the night with a nice quiet dinner perhaps? Or
maybe if you are the fun type, a stroll in an amusement
park is quite a nice thought. If you both love sports, a
night watching a basketball or a hockey game is absolutely
worthwhile though some may not consider that a date. A
movie for people who frequent the screens or a bar night
for music lovers are also options.
There may be many things that you can do on a first date
but nothing beats an intimate conversation. Getting to know
each other is the part where you will know whether this
person is worth your next date. As much as possible, learn
about things that you might consider a factor in choosing
your steady date. This will be very helpful when you need
someone to rely on during hard times. Consider it similar
to choosing your best friend, but more than that. Finally,
make sure that if this person is not the one, end it with a
nice and memorable experience for him without giving the
impression of an easy-to-get prospect.
Marvin Perry is the founder of, Marvin
is an avid athlete and he has always had a passion for
physical fitness. It was Marvin's passion for physical
fitness which motivated him to create the web site =>
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