Contrary to what people in general know now, online dating
was not born out of technological advancements but of
something more primal in human nature - the need to have
and be with someone. The Internet was launched in the
mid-1990s but it was in the early 1720s when the first
lonely hearts personal was written and published in a local
newspaper in Manchester, England. The woman responsible for
the ad was a lonely spinster named Helen Morrison, who was
later committed by the town mayor to an asylum for lunatics
as a response to her ad. Centuries later, Helen Morrison's
dilemma became acknowledged and people began to express
their desire to find someone more openly, without being
subject to question as to their state of mind.
No man is an island, so they say, and dating in every
available form allows people to find that one person - or
several others - with whom to share their life with. Online
dating is a modern form of dating, and one that has gotten
millions upon millions of people from all around the globe
hooked. The legendary band, The Beatles, first had the
world singing the very words that described what poor Helen
Morrison had gone through with their recordings of "Sgt.
Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" and "Eleonor Rigby,"
whose lyrics - "All the lonely people, where do they all
come from?" - continue to shoot right through the hearts of
the lonely to this day. Now the worldwide web has taken the
place of newspapers and magazines - and you can place
personal ads online with more ease and convenience.
Online dating provides a number of advantages. The first
thing members of dating websites are usually thankful for
is the option of anonymity. Unlike when going out on a
"real" date, you can choose for your name and face to
remain in the shadows. You can use an alias, which dating
websites refer to as a username. Your prospects don't have
to see what you look like until you have established a
connection and feel that the right time has come. This can
prove quite helpful if you are shy or are insecure about
your appearance. When you date someone via the Internet,
physical attributes take the back seat; it is the ability
to communicate and express yourself beautifully that will
count more. You can also be sure that your privacy will be
maintained - personal details will remain secret unless you
instruct otherwise. Dating websites give a premium on
privacy because they know that's how they can satisfy their
customers and, consequently, how their online dating
services thrive.
Aside from the anonymity and privacy that you can enjoy,
you can also have the benefit of saving more money on
dates. Unlike when going out on a "real" date, you don't
have to shell out big bucks when dating on the Internet.
When you decide to date someone online, all you need to
have is a computer and an Internet connection that's both
fast and reliable. You don't even have to pay membership
fees on dating websites - you can check out and use the
features for free during a trial period. Even when the
membership fees become due, they are usually minimal and
the total cost for online dating will still be much cheaper
than that of "real" dating. Now you don't have to be as
lonely as Helen Morrison. Search for credible dating
websites and create relationships that last.
Marvin Perry is the founder of, Marvin
is an avid athlete and he has always had a passion for
physical fitness. It was Marvin's passion for physical
fitness which motivated him to create the web site =>
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