Of course you know that you could meet women if you really
wanted to. It doesn't take an astronaut or a brain surgeon
to figure out how to pick up a cute girl. After all, if
that humanized platypus Kevin Federline has a chance with
Britney Spears, how difficult a thing is it to get a date?
Allow yourself some dignity and accept the fact that there
are millions of girls to choose from, but not all of them
will be right for you. Therefore, rather than waste time
despairing in loneliness or putting yourself down, try and
take a more positive approach to your dating life.

Decide first if you are ready to date (if you can
emotionally handle the issues involved) and then create a
plan of action, organized by individual goals. Now is
where you decide what you are looking for. This doesn't
mean that you have to create your perfect woman precisely.
Compromising and adapting to circumstances are one of the
greatest joys in romance and one of the true tests in
genuine love. However, you should still have a clear view
of what you want in mind, even if the face of your future
girlfriend remains a mystery.

Don't deceive yourself. Be honest and don't be ashamed of
who you are. Some men are only after sex when they go
looking for a date. As long as they are at peace with
that, and do not misrepresent themselves to the women they
are dating, there should be no problem. That may or may
not be what you want, but you should be prepared to deal
with these issues. Other men may be looking for more than
just a good time. Maybe they want a commitment and would
like to eventually have a family.

After deciding on what you want, it is important to target
the type of woman that is right for you and your dating
attitude. If all you want is sex then don't go looking for
a clingy and insecure woman who you're only going to hurt
in the long run. Don't lie or misrepresent yourself. It
earns you a bad reputation over time, and if you believe in
karma, then you may have another thing coming some day. Be
upfront about what you want and who you are. Not only is
this honest, but it's very attractive to women who are
tired of dealing with weaklings, liars and cowards. Real
men ooze sexuality became of who they are, not who they
pretend to be.

You can attract a certain type of woman by how you
represent yourself in public and where you travel to find
dates. Going to a bar or club and talking about sex right
away will obviously attract a certain type of woman: either
sexually forward or desperate. On the other hand, if you
behave conservatively, talk about real life, and meet women
under more sophisticated surroundings, you may attract a
woman that wants to be loved for her personality, not just
her looks.

Remember that every little thing you do is in someway
representative of who you are. If you dress nice every
time you go out then you are giving off signals. If you
smile innocently or sneer in cockiness when you meet new
people, then you are giving off very different vibes. If
you have a quick wit and can't resist cracking jokes when
talking to women, then you are earning the reputation as a
funny guy. If you are nice and overly sentimental to most
of the women you meet, then you may be establishing a role
as a friend rather than a lover. If you remain quiet
during most conversations with strangers, then you may be
signaling that you're not really looking for just any girl.
Think about how you come across to others, and what your
subtle behavior may be saying about your lifestyle. You
may be attracting a certain type of girl—but is she
the right girl for you?

Find out how to attract any woman you please at

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