It's a topic that fascinates many, but people don't like to
discuss on a personal level. How can you tell if a spouse
is cheating? Are there any concrete signs outside of
physically catching them? There are several classic "signs"
you can look for, however for concrete proof, you will
likely need photographs, voice recordings, or other such
irrefutable evidence.
This can be very unstable territory. You may have the
instinctive "gut" feeling, but aren't sure of who to turn
to. Relatives may or may not help matters. Friends may or
may not be trustworthy. Private investigators can be
incredibly expensive and you may not find the quality
professional you would like in your area.
This simply means you need to take matters into your own
hands. First, do you believe your suspicion is grounded?
Have you experienced personal issues recently that might
manifest in insecurity? If nothing has changed in your
life, it's time to examine that of your spouse. These
symptoms can be common for both men and women. The most
important element to maintain is your composure. If your
spouse suspects you are on to their activities, they will
be extra careful, and it will be twice as difficult to
catch them.
The most noticeable symptom will likely be distance. They
don't want to spend time with you or have interest in being
intimate. They may seem to struggle for reasons to avoid
spending time with you or your family. They may also have a
new interest in privacy and won't talk on the telephone or
answer a text message until you are out of visibility.
Have they recently taken a surprising interest in their
appearance? Have they recently became secretive? Do they
hide credit card statements or pay stubs from you? Do they
hide cell phone records or insist that only they answer
their phone? Do they get a few too many calls that they
attribute to "pranks?"
You may notice unusual computer habits. They may wait to go
online when everyone else is in bed or they may fake
insomnia as a reason to be on the computer. They may have a
"free" email account. Around 30 percent of those
frequenting online dating services are already married.
The first step that has been effective for many is a hidden
camera. Technology today has created cameras that are
perfect for such purposes. Most are small and can fit
through pin holes, under doors, and hidden easily. Voice
recorders are wonderful and provide a great alternative to
catching what your spouse is saying on their private
telephone calls.
You can use your internet browser's "history" to see what
sites have been visited or if it appears your spouse is
deleting their history. There is software available that
will let you track computer usage. No matter what method
you use just remain calm.
Mike Rao writes on Crime Prevention and Personal Safety
His websites:
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