Stalking has been portrayed countless times in movies and
literature alike. The young, pretty girl is always pursued
by a crazed madman who simply loves her because he believes
she is beautiful and then we see the happy, cut-and-dried
ending we so often watch.
This is far from the reality of stalking. Stalking is not a
fictional event nor is it something that only happens to
the young and wealthy. Stalking is an event that occurs
everyday to persons of every race and every status level.
It is not something "reserved" for celebrities or
individuals in positions of power.
Stalking is a crime that strikes countless individuals on a
daily basis. These events go fairly unreported, unnoticed,
and only in the worst cases do media devote real attention
to this issue. Some victims have been stalked for longer
than a decade without legal assistance. How is this
possible? Because in stalking, the victim must show proof.
They must prove that they feel threatened and intimidated
in a court of law.
Luckily, there are many methods of protecting yourself from
stalkers and their intimidation. The first step to take is
to understand that all stalkers want one thing: to isolate
their victims. They want their victim to feel completely
and utterly isolated from friends and family.
When you are isolated, or feel isolated, the stalker will
be the individual who is there. They want your complete and
undivided attention. In rare cases this can end up turning
into cases involving rape and murder.
Stalkers do not see their victims the same way others do.
This has caused more stalking victims more misery than
perhaps anything. People in general assume you must be
young, amazingly attractive, famous, or wealthy to have a
stalker. Many victims have been humiliated when they
attempt to confide in others because they don't meet one or
more of the aforementioned "criteria." Victims have been
labeled "paranoid," "arrogant," or even "crazy."
This is the precise reaction that stalkers expect and hope
for. It all revolves around isolation. They want people
telling their victims as many negative and hateful things
as possible.
Stalkers "see" what they want to see. The majority of these
cases require professional help to overcome because the
issues causing the attraction are so deeply hidden. The
stalker may not even understand why they are behaving in
the way they do. No victim should ever attempt to
rehabilitate a stalker, even if they are qualified.
Understanding the facts and behaviors behind the act of
stalking is a powerful tool in preventing it in the future,
for all future victims.
Mike Rao writes on Crime Prevention and Personal Safety
His websites:
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