What does the word seduce mean? Seduction actually implies
an unethical persuasion, one designed to mislead someone
innocent into doing your evil bidding. Imagine yourself as
Darth Sidious and you have the right idea of seduction.
However, when you hear the term "seduction" nowadays it
carries a much more direct, sexual connotation. The truth
is that you're not out to seduce anyone—you just want
to have more sex, and the sooner the better! (And the more
the merrier, first come first served, right?)

Of course, many men complain that taking a woman to bed is
much more difficult than it should be. This is how the
term "seduction" came into play. Men, who were so sexually
frustrated at the number of rejections suffered at the
hands of women, decided that they would "seduce" women for
their own sexual pleasure if necessary. You know what?
Back in the old days, when your grandmother was still a
perfect 10, this made sense. Back then, women were more
restrained by the scruples of a moral majority-controlled
society. It wasn't ladylike to have sex just because a
woman desired a man. The sexual revolution took care of
this for a while, but just a few years later and then
sexually transmitted diseases scared them all back into

Today, thanks in part to aggressive sexual education
campaigns (for adults and for children), safe sex
innovations, along with advances in Internet technology, we
are experiencing a bit of second sexual revolution. This
is good news for you, the excessively horny man whose love
for beautiful women knows no end. The only problem is,
despite all of this sexual revolution happening many men
still don't understand why they are being rejected. What
gives and why no love for the purple-helmeted warrior that
makes so many sacrifices all in the name of freedom? The
problem is these men are still stuck in the early 20th
century. They are still trying to "seduce" a woman by
conforming to behavior that is outdated and insulting to
the modern woman of today. The modern woman of today, a
few exceptions obviously withstanding, enjoys sex and wants
sex. Women are very similar to men in their sexual makeup;
the only major difference is that women are usually turned
on emotionally, while men remain visual lovers.

If a man approaches a woman with sex on the mind and comes
across like a creepy Vegas pimp, then he is only appealing
to the woman visually. He is offering no emotional depth,
no emotional challenge or anything besides opportunity.
And that's one thing that women have plenty of:
opportunity. If you lose interest in your current crush,
rest assured three other guys will start following her
around to pick up where you left off. Therefore, in order
to elevate yourself into a higher class of lover, you need
to appeal to the woman emotionally as well as visually.

Have you been told that women enjoy expensive gifts,
constant praise and affection and friendly-to-a-fault
courtship behavior? You were misinformed! You are not
trying to "seduce" a woman. You just want sex and you
should convey that thought through body language, eye
contact, heavy flirting and extreme confidence. The
biggest mistake you can make is in assuming that a woman
doesn't want sex and has to be deceived into saying yes.
Women want to say yes! Like any successful pro, you have
to sell the sizzle in your, er, steak.

By remaining true to yourself, and stripping away the
outdated, genteel approach of the repressed Industrial Age,
you will start to charm women with your funny and endearing
personality. Be yourself and don't be afraid of sex if you
want it that badly. Gore Vidal once wrote "I never miss a
chance to have sex or appear on television." Now that
sounds like a philosophy worth embracing.

For the ultimate pick up advice on seducing women visit us
now on http://www.SecretsToSeducingWomen.com

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