Picking up Women is Easy

Posted by myGPT Team | 10:42 AM | 0 comments »

Every man would love a handbook on dating and seduction.
Unfortunately most men stumble through their early dating
lives unable to understand women and therefore unaware of
the key elements that women respond to.

In order to attract beautiful women it is necessary to
"step out of yourself" and your male mindset for awhile and
enter the intricate and sometimes complicated female
psyche. Although at first they may seem like a daunting
task it is possible to learn how to attract women, even
extremely beautiful ones, when you begin to understand some
simple truths.

The truth is you can have the best guides for picking up
women that exist but if you fail to understand why they
work your success rate will be greatly diminished. When you
don't understand why you are doing something it becomes
much more likely that you will make small, subtle mistakes
that have huge, negative effects.

Here are a few pointers to help you get started. Use these
pointers and you will quickly learn how to use the best
methods for picking up women that are available.

1. Men and women think differently! Once you grasp this
concept it becomes easy to understand why so many men fail
at the dating game. The usual approach, of the average guy,
when it comes to picking up a woman is to use techniques,
methods, approaches and pick-up lines that he thinks will
work. Unfortunately, the average guy is using these
approaches based on male psychology and not that of females!

2. Men act on their decision-making capabilities. Men are
ruled by their analytical right-brain functions. Women are
not! When you make any attempts at picking up women you are
probably using an analytical approach. This will never work
on the female mind.

3. Women act on their emotions. In the vast majority of
cases a man will act only after having analysed a
situation. He will think it through and then make a
decision. For example, when a man goes shopping for new
clothes he almost always knows exactly what he wants and
probably the best shop to get it in. When a woman goes
shopping she will visit many different shops, try on
different outfits and different styles until she "feels"
she has found the perfect one!

4. When a man approaches a woman he has already analysed
the situation, "weighed up" his chances of success and
thought about a strategy to use. Albeit, these things
usually happen in either a few seconds or a few minutes -
but they do happen in the mind of a man.

5. A woman can analyse a man but she will always follow her
feelings first!

6. The key to picking up women then is not in your
approach, your use of language or even body language, how
wealthy you are, whether or not you are famous or even how
good-looking you are. The key to picking up women lies in
your ability to evoke the appropriate positive feelings in
your potential partner!

This is easier to do than you may think. Every human
being's brain is hot-wired to respond to certain stimuli.
If you hear a large bang you may feel your ears prick up
(like a dog's) and jump as the fight or flight reaction
kicks in. This is a result of our ancestor's need to be
aware of their surroundings in order to stay safe.

In the same way men and women respond to romantic stimulus
in a hot-wired fashion. However, they respond in different

Men are attracted to beautiful women and look for the most
appropriate mate who can bare the best offspring. That is
why they are so influenced by physical appearance.

Women are attracted to men who are strong and can protect
them. They judge a man's strength not on his physical
appearance but on other subtle factors. A lot of research
shows that only 20% of a woman's attraction to a man is
based on physical appearance.

When you understand that a woman is hot-wired differently
than you and you learn how to push her emotional buttons
you can almost guarantee a positive response.

To summarize:

1. Women and men think differently.
2. Men act on their decisions.
3. Women act on their emotions.
4. Women seek men who can protect them and make them feel
5. Picking up women is easy when you can evoke the correct
feelings in her.

If you would like a proven step-by-step system for picking
up women, even the most beautiful ones, visit
http://www.seduce-her.net/hypno-date-bundle.html or for
free video advice go to

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