Perhaps one of the crappiest dating tips for guys is what
some people call the '5 for 5.' It says that the true
master pickup artist can sleep with 5 out of 5 girls he
approaches. If you are not a Master pickup artist, then
you'll be regarded as an AFC. Nothing in between.

That way of thinking is just plain ridiculous. Perfection
in pickup DOES NOT exist. Well, perfection does not exist
in this world, anyways.

Though this belief is good for business. If guys who study
this stuff believe in this crap, it means more profit for
those who sell products, workshops, etc. Even the famous
master pickup artist, admits that such belief is not true.

However, what we must understand is that these workshops
and products for pickup can really help us improve. A shy,
unskilled guy can be transformed into an effective pickup
artist if he wants to. Its just that we must not fall into
this belief of perfection because there is no such thing.
To believe the '5 for 5' will only destroy those who train
to get better. Why? Because they believe of achieving the
'5 for 5' which is an unattainable goal for them.

Guys, you should know that even the pickup artist gets
rejected as well, no matter how good and effective his
skills are. That's for real. If you get to sleep with 20%
of the girls you pursue, you are already a great pickup
artist and even on the 99th percentile of guys.

Actually, the sign of a great pickup artist is how he deals
with rejection, and not how little he deals with it.

There are different skill sets that composes that
effectiveness of the pickup artist. Just like a puzzle,
each piece of it has its own relevance to your success.
One of these important skills is how he is able to deal
with rejection. So it is as important to practice dealing
with rejection as practicing a new conversational skill or
improving our energy. It is an important part of the
pickup artist training to cope with rejection in a
productive manner and is a vital part of the game.

Learning how to deal with rejection is really crucial. If
you deal with it poorly, rejection can be debilitating.
But once you have properly harnessed it within yourself, it
has the power to be our greatest teacher.

That's an important dating advice that we should always
keep in mind every time a girl says 'No.'

Julian Foxx is considered by many to be the fastest Rising
Star in the pickup artist and dating community. His jaw
dropping effectiveness with women is matched only by his
ability to innovate powerful new techniques, giving their
user a ridiculously unfair advantage. To discover cutting
edge dating tips for guys check out

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  1. Kenji // February 20, 2009 at 10:49 AM  

    great article there! I too do not agree to the 5 for 5. There is never perfection in anything we do. Stocks rise and fall, and a professional basketball player does not make every shot he attempts. Most importantly is that we accept rejection and learn from it. Great post!