Dating tips for men have been provided for centuries and
yet this subject never gets old. Dating women can be
extremely easy once you know what you're doing.

However, if you find yourself questioning where to begin,
here are some outlined dating tips on what to do and how
you can attract women.

Tip 1: Appearance

Yes, appearance does matter. No, good looks are not the
same as appearance. You don't have to be the most handsome
guy in the world but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't
look good! Grooming is the single most important task when
dating and it doesn't take a lot of effort to clean up. If
you look like a mess there's a clue you can't get a date.

Here are the notable tips to remember: Do not go straight
to meet a date after a work out. It doesn't matter if a
woman says the aroma of sweat is a turn-on. Save that
sweaty smell once you've built a relationship, you're
trying to get your dating groove here. Bathing, smelling
good, cleaning the ear wax away, clean nails and trimming
away nose hair.

Tip 2: Be Yourself

Men and even women always forget that pretending to be
someone else will not work for long. Most dating tips will
reinforce expectations that you have to live up to in order
to attract and date women. This is not true! If you pretend
sooner or later the truth will slip out.

Besides, do you want to start any relationship based on a
lie? Wouldn't you rather find a woman who wants to date you
for who you are rather than someone you were pretending to
be? Be confident in yourself and know there's no need to
be someone else.

Tip 3: Have a Sense of Humor

The best dating tips for shy guys would be to remain
lighthearted and fun. Women love to laugh and men who show
they have a good sense of humor become more endearing to a
woman. Make her laugh and you've won half the battle

This is because people that are laughing are thinking of
good times and when the date is over, this is what you want
her to remember. All the good times will get you another
date. You want her to think about how she enjoyed herself.
Laughing creates positive vibes and definitely good "mojo".
When the times rolls around for your next date, she'll
remember how fun you are and why she should go out with you.

Tip 4: No Deceit

This is one of the most important dating tips you must
follow. Everyone wants to appear grand, bigger than life
and special so we tend to exaggerate. This is a bad way to
start off dating.

It's often easier to embellish certain truths to make life
more interesting and to make you seem like a dream come
true. Lying is not interesting and you definitely once the
truth surfaces, it's hard to be believable. And, the more
you lie, the harder it is to remember all those little
embellished details. Think ahead; after your 3rd date with
the same woman, do you think you will you remember all the
lies you've told?

Tip 5: Be that Mystery Man

Women are attracted to a little mystery and curious about
what they don't know. Don't let all your qualities out so
quickly. Do not always be available at a woman's beck and
call. You want to project that you're interested, but also
show that you have a life. Women like well rounded men that
aren't obvious. They enjoy diverse men with many interests;
loving and likeable but never clingy. You want her
returning for more? Leave a bit for the imagination and be

Some of the best dating tips and advice are overlooked
because you second guess what you think woman are looking
for. Dating is easy, we only make it difficult.

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