Most of you would know for sure that there's a difference
between casual and serious relationships in online dating,
right? How can you tell if your partner considers your
relationship just casual or if he is already considering it
to be serious? To be successful in a relationship, one has
to be in the same wavelength as your partner.

Why does this have to happen? Simple. You would not want to
be stuck in limbo, right? Where your partner thinks that
you are just casual daters and you think that you're
serious? Or vice-versa? When that happens, things can get
pretty ugly, pretty fast.

Okay, so that you can differentiate between these two very
different types of millionaire dating, let's take a closer
look at them:

1. Casual Dating

As its name would suggest, casual dating means that neither
of you take the other that seriously. Why have you not, at
this point, taken it seriously? Because it's either one of
you is dating someone else or if you both live too far away
from each other. Now, the first one, where you might be
dating someone else, or that he might be dating someone
else too, this is a rather simple dilemma to resolve. Just
check out his profile. And make sure too that you not only
skim through it, but to actually read it. And for the fact
that you're too far away from each other, unless one of you
makes a good move to see each other, then you must resign
yourself to the fact that the distance can stop you from
having a serious relationship.

Also, casual dating means that there's no interest in
commitment, from either of you, meaning that you are both
resigned to the fact there can be no long-term expectations
from either of you. And other sure signs that you are just
casual daters? There are no deep emotions and it's probably
just a physical relationship.

2. Serious Dating

Serious dating is a step up from casual dating. In serious
dating, you see each other exclusively. Meaning that you
don't see anyone else, and he doesn't see other women. You
two are exclusively dating one another. Next, you get
together more than twice a week. You now have the drive and
the need to see each other much more often.

Another sign is your proximity: you actually live close to
each other. It's either you live in the same city or close
enough to see each other whenever you would both want or
need to. The two involved should have a deep emotion
connection together and be faithful to each other.

Now that you know the difference, evaluate the kind of
relationship you have with your partner today.

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