Girlfriend Breakup

Posted by myGPT Team | 1:12 AM | 0 comments »

Many times girlfriends and boyfriends breakup during the
course of their relationship. Some of the time they can
work things out and get back together. However, other times
the couples can't find their way back to each and part for
good. Then there are those side times when the injured
party wants revenge.

Many times when the gals get hurt by their boyfriends they
want revenge for their pain. Ex-girlfriend revenge can be a
hard thing to live with on both sides. The ex-girlfriend is
not moving on with her life as long as she is plotting her
revenge. The ex-boyfriend has to deal with her anger and
sometimes he would like to get back with her if she would
only forgive him. Boyfriends can do a similar thing to
their ex-girlfriends.

The are many that are out that do think that revenge is the
right way to go and that they will get some pleasure from
it. If you are one of these people then you need to know
that whatever pleasure you get from revenge it can cause
you some discomfort too. You will be dredging up hurtful
memories over and over for one thing. In the end you will
still have to forget the pain and move forward with your
life or you will need to forgive your boyfriend/girlfriend
and go back with him/her.

Revenge just makes matters worse under any circumstances.
If you get in the habit of plotting revenge every time
someone upsets you then you are going to have a hard mad
life. Revenge comes out of anger and there are many times
the boyfriends, girlfriends, family members, and friends
will make you made in your life. If you stay mad at them
you will be feeding your anger. This can actually even
cause you health problems for the stress of it.

It is much better to try to forgive the people that upset
you even if it is is your boyfriend or girlfriend. It does
not mean you have to get back with them. It just means that
you put down the anger and quit plotting revenge. You don't
need to stop living your life to plot revenge! Let it go
and start living again.

You can carry the thing about an eye for an eye too far.
This only makes a bunch of people blind! This can be a
never-ending cycle when you believe this way. You get
revenge on the person that hurt then they may want to get
revenge for you getting revenge!

Through forgiveness you stop the cycle from even starting.
This way you can feel good about life again and enjoy being
alive. This is how we are suppose to live our lives. We are
not suppose to be constantly plotting revenge.

Go find someone else to date if you are that mad at your
boyfriend/girlfriend. Leave them behind in but do it with
forgiveness in your heart so you don't eat yourself up with
anger. In the end being happy in your life and forgiving
your wrongdoer is much easier for you to do too. It takes a
lot of time, energy, and just plain work to plot revenge.
In the end you will just wear yourself out! Forgive!
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