In nearly 55% of unions, somebody cheats at some point.
It's a sad fact, but unfortunately more and more unions are
finishing because of]due to straying on the end of one of
the individuals involved. Catching a cheating partner can
be challenging, however in this guide we will show you a
really easy method anyone can use to find out if you're
being betrayed.

This simply requires three hours at the most. Let's break
it down into three steps for you to keep it simple to

Stage #1:

For this first step, you need to find a time that you can
take a look at your partner's cell phone for in around 13
minutes. Naturally you want to choose a moment in which
they won't stroll in and find you investigating their

A couple of ideas of how to accomplish this are: when they
jump in the bath, wait for him or her to run out to the
grocery store without their cell phone or wait for them to
nod off and look at it in another room while they sleep.
The above are simply a couple of suggestions to think

Second Part:

When you have the cellphone in your hands, go find the call
log list on the phone and look at all the incoming and
outgoing calls that have taken place.

After you find the list of calls on the cell phone, pick up
a piece of paper and scribble down each number that is on
the calls list. This will not take you long to complete.
As you know, place the phone back in the spot you got it
from once you're finished.

Final Stage:

This is the closing part and the part where you discover if
anything out of the ordinary is happening in your marriage.

We need to determine who is the owner of each telephone
number on the list that you made. This lets you discover
precisely who your spouse has been chatting to.

For you to discover exactly who owns each of the numbers
that is on your list, you are going to use what is referred
to as a reverse telephone number lookup.

Just by typing in a phone number, a reverse phone search
will give you full details about who owns any phone. You
will determine the person's full name, mailing address and
even specific personal background details.

To make use of a reverse cell phone lookup you will need to
shell out a few dollars - don't stress out though they are
incredibly inexpensive. In this case, since your list will
almost surely have more than one phone number, it's a good
idea to find a company that offers unlimited lookups for
just a one-time membership fee. This way you will only pay
the one time and you can then use a search for each
telephone number on your list.

It's easy going now - run a reverse cell phone lookup for
every number you wrote down and write out the details.
Once you have conducted a search on each number, look over
your list and watch for any suspect names or telephone call
activity. Obviously anything "fishy" will be obvious.

The above method is the simplest way to find out if your
spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend is being unfaithful. It's
a strong yet easy way to find out what is happening in your

Go to to try out a
free sample reverse lookup!

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