In approximately 50% of marriages, one person cheats and is
unfaithful. Nobody deserves to be treated this way but
sadly umpteen marriages are destroyed because of cheating.
Discovering the facts can be tough, however today we're
giving you an easy method you can utilize to discover if
you're with a cheater.

What we are going to outline isn't difficult to complete
and you will have your answer in less than two hours. We
will break it down into three steps in order to keep it

Step #1:

This is the trickiest part - you will need to get your
mate's cellphone for at least 12 minutes without chancing
them catching you. Naturally you should choose a time
where they won't stroll in and see you glancing at their

A couple of thoughts as to how to do this are: when they
jump in the shower, wait for them to step out to the store
without their cell phone or wait for them to doze off and
take a peek at it in another area of your house while they
sleep. I'll allow you to find the best time, but these are
a couple of ideas that other people have used before.

Part #2:

Once you get the cell phone, look at the phone and find the
list of calls made. You need to be able to look at all of
the incoming and outgoing calls on the phone.

Once you locate the call logs on their mobile phone, get
out a sheet of paper and scribble down every phone number
on the phone. This part won't take over ten to fifteen
twelve minutes even if they have a lot of calls - when you
are done set the cellphone back in the spot you got it.

Step Three:

This is the final part and when you determine if anything
suspect is continuing in your marriage.

Now you want to discover exactly who is the owner of each
number on the list that you wrote down. This will let you
discover exactly who your spouse has been chatting to.

To find out information on the owner of a phone number, you
must use what is known as a "reverse phone number search".
This will be the key step for you to catch a cheater.

A reverse telephone lookup allows you to take a phone
number and discover full details about who owns the
telephone. You will find out the individual's name, where
they live and even detailed background information.

To utilize a reverse telephone lookup you will need to
shell out a few bucks - don't fret though they are very
cheap. For what you're doing, since your paper will almost
surely have more than just one telephone number, it's a
good idea to find a service that offers unlimited lookups
for just a one-time membership fee. This lets you discover
information on all the telephone numbers on your sheet of
paper without having to pay for every lookup.

You need to run a search on all the numbers that you jotted
down. As you do this write out the details you learn for
each one. Take a strong look at the people on your paper
after you have conducted a search on every telephone
number. If there's anything funny happening, it will stick

No one should be cheated on and this way of catching a
cheater is fast and easy way to discover if you are being
betrayed. It's a strong yet simple method to discover what
is happening in your relationship.

Go to to try out a
sample reverse phone search to see how it works!

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