Do you know what your birthstone is? Surprisingly many
people dont. And even fewer people understand the
mythological 'power'behind their birthstone and the impact
they are renowned to have on the wearer
As an introductory guide you will find listed below the
different birthstones and the meaning attached to each.
Hopefull this information will be helpful next time you are
trying to find a perfect gift for someone.
1. January. The birthstone for January is garnet, which is
a bright red colour. This colour has traditionally given it
an association with blood, and therefore life.
This stone is also said to possess the ability to protect
you from nightmares and dangers associated with the dark.
If you wear garnet on a regular basis, you will posiibly
possess greater patience and an ability to deal well with
lifes tough situations.
2. February. For people born in the month of February, you
have amethyst as your birthstone. Peace and clarity are
said to be qualities found in the wearer of this stone.
3. March. For people born in the third month of the year
your birthstone is aquarmarine. This stone is said to make
its wearer a more friendly person, and someone capable of
great loyalty and companionship.
As would be expected with the name and the colour, this
stone also offers protection whilst swimming, or travelling
over water.
4. April. If you are born in April, then your stone is the
diamond which provides strength, innocence and longevity.
The hardest of all the gemstones, the diamond represents
success and excellence.
5. May. The healing emerald is the birthstone of people
born in May. Wearers of this stone are also gifted with a
greater level of foresight and improved communication
6. June. if you were born in the month of June, you have
Pearls as your birthstone. This month has a long standing
association with weddings, and the pearl has therefore come
to be associated with successful marriages, faith and
7. July. The stone for July is the ruby. The fiery colour
of this stone has given birth to its connections with
courage, vitality and strength. It is also said to inspire
wearers to seek greater harmony with others.
8. August. If you are born in August your stone is the
little known peridot. Dignity comes to the wearer of this
stone as well as good fortune. This gem is also meant to
give some protection from evil intentions.
9. September. The birthstone for September is the
sapphire. This stone increases clarity of thought and
builds greater wisdom in the wearer. It is also said to
allow for a greater discernment of the truth, no matter how
deeply covered it is with lies.
10. October. Opal is the birthstone of poeple born in the
month of October. The opal has a wide range of colours, and
has come to be associated with the wide range of human
A person who wears the opal is granted a greater level of
empathy as well as an innate sense of hope.
11. November. For those of you born in Novemeber, Topaz is
your birthstone. Good health in both the body and the mind
is represented by this stone.
You are said to have a greater ability to heal yourself if
you wear topaz. In addition it gives the wearer greater
practicality and creativity.
12. December. People born in the last month of the year
have turquoise as their birthstone. This gem brings luck
and good fortune and also helps remove negative vibes that
can lower spirits and decrease your good fortune.
Birthstones make a great gift as they communicate a certain
message to the recipient and show some thought has gone
into the birthday gift
Kate Stephen runs Red Ribbon Gifts which is an online
boutique gift shop that offers stylish gifts from fresh
young designers, and lesser known manufacturers.
Originally focusing on gifts for her, the business has
recently expanded to include a gifts for him and a
corporate gifts range. Visit Red Ribbon Gifts today to find
unique birthday gifts for her
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