Secrets about Why He Won't Commit To Me.

Posted by myGPT Team | 12:43 AM | 0 comments »

There are 3 areas that can describe why a guy won't commit
to a girl.

1. He gets it all, without the commitment, so why do
anything. "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for
free". Most women believe that the reason behind the phrase
above simply applies to having sex with a man, but it is
usually much more. It could be that she washes' his
clothing, is available at his beckoned call. Whenever he
contacts her, or even gives him money. Since he's getting
all the benefits of a committed and/or married
relationship, from his perspective, he does not see any
benefit to committing.

2. Most women believe that.... Depending upon the man his
fear of commitment can have some credibility at times. What
this means is that he has been dumped before, and it has
caused him a lot of hurt emotionally, or it is the pain due
to childhood issue. Since most guys do not handle emotional
pain very well, their primary defense against it is to
simply sidestep any relationship where they feel it might
get ugly. The problem is that they have a tendency to
believe the "right" woman is one that makes them feel the
best at "all the times." Usually, the only woman that will
even come close to that standard is a little boy's mother.
No woman can be "wonderful" 100% of the time.

3. He walks to a different drum... There can be times when
a man is quite able to commit to a woman, but he may take
much more time to choose this decision than the woman
thinks he should. This is most likely not the reason - but
it could happen. For men over the age of approximately
thirty -years, it usually does not take more than a few
months to realize whether a woman would make a good lover
or not. After a few months, he usually has a good idea of
whether or not she will be his bride. If he is still unsure
about how he feels about her after 4 to 6 months,
experience has been that it is usually more than likely due
to one of the first two reasons I mentioned.

Making a choice before thirty years of ages can prolong the
decision. Men in their 20's have not proven themselves
financially. This is often a big deal to guys as this is
their main roil in life to provide for the family.
Additionally, they often haven't experienced enough
failures in life to emotionally realize that the freedom of
being single can be very tiring.

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