America is the greatest country in the world because it is,
in my belief, blessed by God as a beacon of individual
freedom, a place where anything your mind can imagine and
believe you can achieve.

It promises to any and everyone who is willing to work
hard, a fair and impartial opportunity to achieve what is
known world wide as the "American dream".

This is the country that has people around the world lined
up at our Embassies with the hope and dreams of coming to
America to participate in this "American dream." Many have
risked and given their lives in this effort.

Some Americans have achieved the American Dream, but
despite the advances of race relationships since Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr., led the Civil Rights Movement in the
1960's, far too many have not.

The largest majority of those who have not, are Blacks and
other American Minorities.

It is clear that the notion and practice of racism in
America has stacked the deck against any reasonable
expectation of economic gains and the achievement of the
American Dream against Minorities, making all efforts for
success a lot harder then it should be.

The social-economic system has been programmed for
minorities to fail, educationally, socially and
economically. When they do fail, in a capitalistic system
such as ours that worships winners, they are unfairly
criticized for failing and being unable to measure up to
the performance standards of the American society.

Despite the tremendous progress America has made, that is
supported by a majority of Americans, in providing equality
and equal opportunities for all of its citizens, racism,
and racist attitudes are still alive and well.

These racist attitudes are serious, and have kept America
divided into the two America's that formal Presidential
Candidate John Edwards so frequently spoke about during his

The two Americas he was talking about are one White, one
Black, one living the American Dream while the other has
been disenfranchised, pushed into social and economic
obscurity, poverty and second class citizenship, and is
living the American Nightmare, in abject poverty in ghettos
all around America.

All of this pain is based on racism fueled by false
information about race being determined by the color of
your skin which is totally not true.

We as Americans are divided nationally in just about every
way imaginable. We are divided politically, racially,
within ourselves, and worst of all we are divided
spiritually and racially within our churches.

For example, most of you probably don't know that the two
Americas mentioned above are never more apparent then on
Sunday morning in America, which is probably the most
segregated day of the week, when we are all in church.

Given the fact that segregation in our churches on Sunday
are often by choice, sometime it is dictated by our
particular faith and geographical locations of the
churches. However, I think for some, the belief and faith
in racial prejudice is stronger than their faith in God.

The evil attitude of racism is not a respecter of person,
all Americans are affected by its devastating influence in
some way, especially if you are Black or one of the other
American Minorities.

The cost of racism in the lives of Blacks, White Americans
and other Minorities affected by its influence is
incalculable in terms of human suffering, the loss of life,
opportunities and destroyed dreams.

Racism has been the source of too many tragic human
experiences in America's past and present.

It is time to tell the truth about race, and put an end to
this lie and nightmare forever.

If your skin is Black or the color of any of the other
Minorities, you have probably been told that you are of a
different race, and that you are inferior to Whites.

On the other hand, if you are White you have probably been
told that you are superior to all people who are not White.

You have also been told that the color of your skin
determines your race. This is not true. Racism based on
skin color stems from a lie that was perpetrated more than
244 years ago by greedy unscrupulous slave traders and
slave masters.

These were men who needed and used the lies about race as
a justification to dehumanize and condemn a whole nation of
Black people to the horrific, inhumane status of slavery
for life.

They needed a free labor source for the European and
American colonies in the new world. This same lie of race
and racism has enslaved a nation of people today almost as
effective as it enslaved a nation of Black people 244
years ago, that nation today is called America.

The ideology and racist attitudes that have classified
people into different racial categories based on the color
of their skin, resulting in unimaginable social pain and
death during the past 244 years of racism in America is a

The racist attitude that supports this ideology of race is
a sin in the eyes of God.

Until we Americans as individuals and a nation seek, find
and embrace the real truth about Race, none of us will ever
be truly free.

We will all remain in bondage and a slave to the false
ideology of "race based on skin color" with racism as our
slave master.

The question to be answered now is what race are you,

The answers to the question of race is there for you to
find, you just have to open your eye, heart and your mind
and look for it.

Lander Pierce, is the owner of Reaching For your Dreams
Publications, a company that provides personal and business
developmental informational products that teaches how to
use the power of your thoughts to achieve success and your
life long dreams. For more information visit:

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