This subject is best separated into two categories: how to
plan for a marriage and how to plan for a wedding ceremony.
It's well known that planning a wedding can be highly
stressful, especially when a lot of money is involved, but
even if it's a relatively modest affair. There are
numerous details that have to be provided and the job of a
wedding planner is basically an acting project manager of a
large group of people. (Sometimes in excess of hundreds of
guests) Some brides are nervous enough about the occasion
and prefer not to deal with the logistics of planning a
large wedding event.

However, someone has to do it! At this point, the couple
can delegate the authority to family members (who are
usually happy to assist) or to a professional wedding
planner. The advantages of the latter are many: this is an
experienced professional who can guarantee that a wedding
ceremony and reception will go swimmingly. Not only is a
wedding planner experienced, but he or she also brings a
more objective point-of-view to the affair. Often times,
when you hire relatives to organize weddings, some hurt
feelings or personal disappointments can appear. Hiring a
wedding planner ensures that things are kept strictly
professional and the event is truly a success. A wedding
planner's services do cost you, however. As much as you
would like to hire a wedding planner to carry the full
burden, it may not be an option for you.

If this is the case, then a personal wedding plan (made by
you or relatives) can be a success; it just takes lots of
preparation and clear communication between all parties
involved. Start by setting aside a budget and then making
an outline of all the major decisions before the wedding
day. It will help to create a checklist that you can work
by, a list of contact numbers, and a schedule of
approximate times.

In addition to planning the wedding ceremony and reception,
there are also other activities and events you must plan
for. If you want to have a marriage ceremony on a certain
date, then you can get married in front of the justice of
the peace, where he or she will witness you sign a marriage
certificate. You could even have a friend be specially
appointed on a temporary basis to act as minister. You
also need to give special consideration to planning a
honeymoon (location as well as weather) and timing the
events to comfortably coincide with a woman's menstrual
cycle. If you need help on the logistical side of planning
a wedding then it may help to attend local bridal shows in
down and other events of interest to a new bride. The
events are also great for networking among cake makers,
musicians and wedding planners.

What about the big name change? The first point of contact
is the Social Security office, but most brides advise that
you shouldn't change your name until after you return from
the honeymoon, since it will be easier. (Otherwise, you
could run into some difficulty with passports and other
legal forms giving two different names)

Last but not least if you need some practical advice on
planning a wedding, honeymoon and marital future, then talk
to your parents or the parents of your spouse. These
experienced paramours will give you a great deal of
comfort, as you know that all of these bridges have been
crossed before and that you have a large support group to
work with.

Planning a wedding is not easy, but with patience and
preparation it can be done, professionally or even amongst

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