What's Beyond Your Control?

Posted by myGPT Team | 3:25 AM | 0 comments »

Copyright (c) 2009 Vin DiCarlo

As pickup artists, we tend to think that we can have every
women in the world, if we can get "good" enough skills.

Unfortunately, that's just not how it works.

You see, some things are beyond your control.

Women are just as complex and dynamic as you are. And
probably less predictable.

I have dated so many women that at first seemed very
flakey. I took it personally.

I remember getting MAD when women wouldn't return my phone
calls. I thought that they were rejecting me, that they
thought they were better than me.

It was even worse when I'd have great conversation, only to
be stood up and not called back.

It made no sense!

We got along, so why won't she call me back???

Well, it turns out, the universe doesn't revolve around me.

Now I'm not saying that if you get flaked on, you should
just chalk it up to fate and leave it at that.

Always strive to improve and get better results. Use every
resource at your disposal - be a student of life, because
there's always more information out there to help you.

Along with Julian Fox, my friend and master pickup artist
have an extensive tools and strategies for minimizing
flaking in dating life.

He knows how to get the woman's number, what to say on
texts and phone calls, and even how to set up dates so
she'll be sure to show up.

There's principle that I know. I'll interrupt the ENTIRE
conversations, step by step with detailed analysis so you
know WHY I did what I did.

One thing we talk about is the fact that women have crazy
lives. They have all kinds of stuff going on that you don't
know about.

The woman has to manage her dating life (because she's
likely already seeing other guys), and she has an
obligation to her family life and friendships, not to
mention work, errands, and any catastrophe that may pop up).

Women often play a high-wire balancing act with their
social lives. They have to keep track of which social
circles to merge and which to keep separate.

They have to keep track of who is fighting with whom, and
who gets along with whom.

They have to avoid the ex, and spend time with the friend
they had to ditch last week because of working extra hours
at work.

Men's lives are much simpler, and this is why it can be
hard to understand her not calling you back.

You think, "all she has to do is pick up the phone when I
call. She must have some spare time in the evening. That
woman must be consciously CHOOSING to ignore me, therefore
she's a bitch and I am upset."

This is not reality.

The reality is that she may simply not have the time or the
emotional wherewithal to deal with a new guy right now.

So don't take it personality.

At the same time, you must persist.

Don't give up. I recall pursuing a woman for months - not
stalking her mind you - just calling every so often to keep
myself on her mind.

And then when the circus in her life blew over, she called
me back and we started dating. No big deal.

But if I had flipped out and sent her some angry text
message (which I've done - I'm grimacing as I write this),
she would have thought I was psycho.

"Oh my god, this man is crying because I didn't call him
back. Does he think he's the center of the universe? What a
weirdo. I definitely won't be calling him back."

Don't be that guy.

It's not bad to think better than other guys - most guys
are needy, insecure, hot-headed hornballs that have
absolutely no idea how to take control of their dating

This is because they are not in control of their own

Be different - don't take things personal. Always assume

It's better to just assume she's busy, and persist without
getting needy or putting pressure on her.

Get any girl's phone number:
http://www.vindicarlo.com/meet-girls And turn the type of
woman your friends go green with envy over, into your loyal

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