Being familiar with HOT SOX, it would actually come as a
surprise that the foundation of such a strong company can
be associated with Cape Cod. But this is what exactly
happened with Ellie Gordon, the founder of the company
The earlier part of the 1970's saw a lot of hippie culture.
Hippies were quite prominent during this time, and they
were very present during the Vietnam War, participating in
peace marches and such. But during this time, Ellie and her
husband, Mark, decided to get away from the disturbance one
weekend and visited some friends in Cape Cod.
Ellie and Mark took Ellie's sister and her husband with
them as well. The friends that they visited were actually
artists in their own right, profiting quite a lot from
tie-dying shirts in the region. At the time, the tie-dyed
shirts came with appliquéd fruit. It was actually
the prevalent fashion statement back in the 70's.
Going home from the trip, the foursome began talking with
each other, brainstorming at how they could earn as much
money as their tie-dying friends from Cape Cod. The
foursome agreed that they had the brains and the talent to
conceptualize a great-selling idea of their own as well.
From much brainstorming, they decided to go with socks
because the socks at the time were actually pretty boring.
Thus, they took it upon themselves to develop that pizzazz
that the typical pair of socks needed.
The foursome decided on the production of silk-screened
opaque socks for two simple reasons. The first is that this
type of socks was not expensive to come by, so capital
would not be too much of a problem. The second reason is
that the process of silk-screening the socks is not too
complicated to carry out, and can be done during the short
hours after work. This means that no one would be forced to
quit the jobs they hold during the day.
With that problem solved, they then moved on to the issue
of finding a name for their company. At the time, the
phrase 'hot pants' was popularly used in the fashion
industry, so Ellie herself suggested that they go by the
name of HOT SOX. The name stuck ever since.
Throughout the years, Ellie and her entourage of skilled
craftsmen have continuously impressed the lingering market
with the very hot designer socks they have been producing.
They have also released a lot of trademark designs in the
market as well.
That ever-so-popular design of King Kong hanging onto the
Empire State Building is actually one of the pioneer
designs ever released by HOT SOX. With superb quality in
mind, it is no wonder HOT SOX has become the large empire
that it is today.
Neil Thompson is a fashion writer who specialises in
fashion, gifts and accessories. He has a particular
interest in socks, pens and wallets and brands such as Ted
Baker and Paul Smith. For more information click here:
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