Hi Friend,

I would like you to consider dedicating your life to one
purpose and to one purpose only - this purpose is self

People have been trying to impose their discrimination on
you all your life.

They have tried to describe to you what is considered the
right conduct in life.

And now, when you read this document, you probably expect
that I will do the same.

You probably hope that I will give you a tip, advice,
method or strategy that will help you become successful
with women.

And you hope that after I will transfer you my knowledge,
you will somehow be able to mould your life accordingly.

But becoming successful with women just doesn't work like

If you want to be irresistible to women you have to develop
your own genuine personality.

This kind of genuine personality can never be developed by
implementing a method or imitating another person.

The only way to develop a genuine personality is by
negating your desire to be successful with women.

Out of your emptiness, loneliness, and despair springs the
craving of becoming successful with women, yet when you are
truly full, peaceful, and content with yourself, the
thought of becoming successful with women will just not
enter your mind.

Success with women is only the reaction that your brain
produces when it wants a relief from the pain caused by
your feeling of despair.

And after a while you become so much comfortable with the
feeling of suffering that you produce a standard like
"success with women" to sustain you in your comfort zone.

It is very important to observe your actions, not your
words, very closely. Because after you have read what I
have written you may jump to the conclusion that you need
to develop some inner law for yourself.

For example: I will be my own light.

Following an inner law is exactly like following an outer

Put your focus on your movements, and not on your words.

When you try saying a sentence, like:

I will be my own light.

You are trying to escape your pains with an inner authority
(instead of an outer a authority like you did before).

Authority (I am not talking about the police now) is making
you an imitative machine whether it is inner or outer.

For me the only way to develop the right personality is not
by trying to escape from your pains, but by trying to find
the cause for your pains.

Think of a doctor telling his patient that he has a very
serious virus, and his patient replying by saying that he
only needs a cold bandage to ease his pain.

So listen very carefully when I tell you that the guys, who
always say that they want a lot of women, don't really want
a lot of women.

The cold truth is that they find their life lacking, and
they decided that success with women will be their stepping
stone to feel whole.

You must understand what you really want.

Do you want to live a life of joy, or do you want the
sensation of pleasure that you feel when you are escaping
from your pains?

Don't be too quick in answering this question.

As I said in the beginning of the document:

"Consider dedicating your life to one purpose and to one
purpose only - this purpose is self discrimination".

Find out for yourself what YOU really feel and think about
things. Don't let society determine for you what you should
feel and think.

If you will be able to this, you will develop the kind of
personality which will be irresistible to men and women.

Amir Rimer gives the complete story on how to attract
women, using the most groundbreaking, innovative
psychological techniques in the world in his new eBook The
Dating Doctrine, which has now become available.
To learn more about how to become a women magnet, download
the FREE 7 day mini course he has especially prepared for
you at the following link:

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