Eton Shirts - Showing Quality Counts

Posted by myGPT Team | 2:00 PM | 0 comments »

Eton Shirts are one of the most popular brands ever. Eton
believes that its history is its future. That is why as
much as possible, the fashion house has always made sure to
stick to its original and traditional concepts. Eton is one
of the few United Kingdom fashion houses believing in the
value of retaining its heritage and conventional business
and quality practice.

Eton as a brand started way back in 1928. The humble
beginning was in a relatively small community in Ganghester
in Sweden. Tailor Annie and her husband David Pettersson
made a living by running a sawmill in the area. When an
economic recession due to the World Wars started biting the
area, the couple had no other choice but to fold up their
business and start a new one.

The closing of one door led to the opening of a new and a
more lucrative one for the Petterssons. With the initiative
and talent of Annie, the Patterssons started making fine
clothing initially for the villagers. The founded company's
growth and popularity was inevitable.

In the 1950s, the company, then called as Skjortfabriken
Special, found its path to further and mainstream growth.
The company started focusing at men's shirts. That time, a
salesman or traded became an instant fan, loved the shirts
and introduced the brand to the United Kingdom. The rest,
as the cliché goes, is pure history.

Because the original name was rather hard to pronounce,
especially in the United Kingdom, the Patterssons decided
to make some adjustments through a rebranding effort. The
exportation of the brand's famous shirts made Eton a brand
to reckon and get over it. People who knew about the
quality could certainly assert that Eton is simply

When it comes to quality and exquisite shirts, nothing so
far exceeds Eton, especially to men who prefer casual
styling. The shirts are not only elegant looking. The items
are really comfortable, not to mention, are made of the
finest materials there are. This feature is very much
related to the company's past, as Annie always made it
customary to make sure every shirt released to the market
is highly satisfactory in quality, all aspects wise.

From Sweden to the United Kingdom, Eton has strived to
widen its coverage and its market reach. Now, the quality
shirt maker has access to about 35 different countries all
over the world. Eton is a brand to beat in almost all
important exclusive stores, brand shops and men's wear
departments. There are brand stores and concept stores that
can really facilitate a more comfortable rolling out of
every Eton shirt.

Neil Thompson is a fashion writer who specialises in
fashion, gifts and accessories. He has a particular
interest in socks, wallets and pens and brands such as Ted
Baker and Paul Smith. For more information click here:

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