Internet Dating Tips for Men

Posted by myGPT Team | 5:38 PM | 0 comments »

It is easy for women to look online and find a host of
resources on internet dating safety. It isn't so easy for
men to find the same quality information. The dangers of
internet dating are just as possible for both genders,
although the danger often differs.

One of the most horrific trends that are gaining popularity
are the crimes against gay individuals. There have been
some straight men who sign up at dating communities for gay
individuals with the intent of finding and assaulting them.
These have resulted in hospitalizations and, in the worst
cases, deaths.

Straight men see hazards from dating communities, but not
in the same way. The dangers for them involve robbery,
theft, and other forms of manipulation. There are reports
that heterosexual men have been attacked for their money.
They meet a women online, maintain a relationship, and
eventually meet in a restaurant. All seems to go well. Yet,
at the end of the evening, when they leave to go to their
car, a group of men will be waiting.

How can you protect yourself? There are several steps to
take to avoid these situations.

1. Watch for suspicious activity.

Keep your eyes open to anything that may suspicious, no
matter how minor. Are there others in the restaurant who
seem to know the person you're with? Is your date open and
honest about who they are? Do they seem more nervous than
they should be? Do they look around the restaurant as if
they're looking for someone, or don't want to be seen?

2. Don't Rush.

Don't rush a relationship you have online. Give everything
time to develop.

3. Be wary of false identities.

Remember that photographs of people are a dime-a-dozen
online. You can visit any of the free stock photography
sites and find pictures of any type of person imaginable.
Don't take their profile picture at face value. One of the
primary reasons for the need to wait when it comes to
online relationships is the rampant use of false identities
and false information. Current estimates state that around
30% of all people on dating sites are, in fact, married.

4. Do a background check.

This may be the most important action you can take when
deciding to date someone you meet on the internet. Check
them out. Do both a background check and a criminal
background check. It is common to find individuals on
internet dating sites who have had criminal histories.

Both men and women should be cautious of internet dating
sites. It is possible to find love online and there are
many marriages daily that come from finding one another
online. But, the anonymity also means you should protect
yourself and take the necessary precautions.

Mike Rao writes on Crime Prevention and Personal Safety
His websites:

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