Getting Your Ex Back: A How To
It happens to everyone - a breakup. It isn't working out,
she (or he) dumps you, and you're feeling listless. The
world has lost its vigor, you feel like everything's out
there to make you miserable, and more. The usual, and
sensible, course is to have a few beers, talk about old
times with your buddies, and move on, letting the heartache
heal on its own.
There is an alternative, if you're really determined to get
your ex back. Maybe it's watching too many romantic
comedies (where the usual plot is Boy Meets Girl, Boy Loses
Girl, Boy Gets Girl Back), or maybe is that there's a deep
bond there that you're not willing to give up. There's a
set of steps to follow, and they don't follow the Hollywood
The first step is to be realistic about what went wrong the
first time. This isn't a self-flagellation party, nor is
it a "blame the ex" party. It's looking back at what
caused each of you to act in the ways that triggered the
breakup. You can't change the past, but by studying it,
you aren't doomed to repeat it.
If the break was over a single event, your odds are better
for getting back together. You have to be coldhearted and
look at why the event happened and how to prevent it from
happening again. Was it over money? Or a missed date, or
disliking some of their friends or relatives? Look into
ways to prevent this from biting you again. If the breakup
happened because of things you did that were constantly
grating, it's going to be harder - you have to convince
them that you've changed. Whatever
Next comes presentation. Don't be needy. Nothing drives
someone away faster than a needy person whining at them.
Yes, they'll listen for a while, out of pity. But pity is
not a foundation for a relationship renewal, it's a toxin
that will make your relationship go sour. Yes, everyone
feels like they can't live without their ex. You're going
to have to act like you can to have a chance at getting
them back. Stay strong, grow a life of your own, and let
that interesting life lure them back.
Beware the green eyed monster that mocketh man, as
Shakespeare called it. Do not let jealousy even enter into
your strategic thinking. If your ex is dating someone
else, let them be. Wish them well. Don't get stalker on
them. Don't comment on it. Don't talk about how you'd do
it better. All you're doing is showing that you haven't
moved on, and reinforced that they have and that they
should stay as far away from you as possible. Remember,
time heals all wounds. So take some time to heal yours
before ripping the bandages off with your ex.
It's time to show your ex that you're above that and by
doing so, you will get them to miss you. Check out to get full details on a
plan you can use to get your ex to come back to you
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