There you are mesmerized by this beauty a few feet from
you. You can't take your eyes off her. She may be at the
end of the bar, walking down a street or talking to another
person in a place you would never think of approaching her
in. You want to say something. You want to approach her.
You want to get her number.
Suddenly your mouth gets dry, your hands start to feel
moist and your brain gives you a hundred reasons to just
look away. So what do you do? Give up and run to fight
another day (and beat yourself up for it for the next week)
or breathe deep, bite the bullet and approach her even
though you don't know the best way of doing this -
especially beautiful ones?
This is a scenario that almost every man faces at least
once (if not every week) in their lives. It can be hard for
men to approach girls and even harder when it comes to
picking up women how are beautiful. The art of picking up
women has become much harder since females became more
independent and selective in their choice of partners. The
21st century male really has his work cut out for him!
So here are a few tips for picking up women that you may
not have used before.
- Where have you been looking for the perfect girl? Do you
know that very few girls meet their partner in a bar? Think
of the type of woman you want to spend time with. What does
she like doing? What are her interests? Picking up women is
easier when you meet them in places that interest them,
while you are doing things they find interesting. Being
passionate about what you love is one of the easiest
methods to seduce beautiful girls. So seek out girls in
places where they will appreciate the things you enjoy
- Don't rush in! Review the situation first. Has she
noticed you? Did she look over? Many men refuse to believe
a beautiful woman may be interested in them. When it comes
to picking up women the same rules that apply to
approaching average looking girls apply to beautiful girls
as well.
- Attempt to catch her eye. When she looks at you smile
back. Do not look away nervously! Stay relaxed but try not
to stare at her. Just smile naturally not with a wide
Cheshire cat grin. Being natural and confident is the key
to getting girls attention.
- Don't overdo it! Look away and give her a second to
access the situation and you. After a few minutes you can
make your move.
- If she looks at you there is a chance. If she smiles
you're onto a winner. If she looks away shyly or
immediately talks to her friend and her friend looks over
this is a good sign. But don't expect her to approach you!
If you're in a bar send over a drink first. Then wait for
about 5 minutes before approaching her! If you are in a
special interest setting start talking to her about it.
- However, when picking up women there is on occasions
reason to act quickly. You should act quickly if she looks
bored. This is the only time you should ignore the tip
above. If she looks bored or annoyed with her company just
act! Opportunities are available everyday but they only
turn into successes if you act!
- Girls love confident, bold men. Only 20% of a woman's
attraction to a man is based on physical appearance. This
is an important point when it comes to picking up women.
- If you think confidently you will naturally act
confidently. When picking up women it is important to
project confidence. Therefore while you are preparing to
approach just quickly imagine a positive outcome in your
mind. See yourself successfully approaching, laughing with
her and getting her number. This will put you immediately
into a more confident frame of mind which will be reflected
in your body language.
- The above technique should also be used when you are not
in the company of anyone else - as a sort of practice run.
It is an invaluable technique when it comes to picking up
women. Visualize yourself being confident around girls and
successful with beautiful ones. Visualize this every night
just before you drift off to sleep. Although you may not
realize the power of this exercise trust me when I tell you
that it will increase your chances of picking up women by
1000%! Women know if you are confident or faking it so this
little technique will dramatically improve your confidence
and belief in yourself.
Follow the above advice and you will do well in the dating
game and will get to meet many beautiful and interesting
Other sites of interest: - Picking
Up Women has never been easier with this guide. Written by
a beautiful award-winning author it outlines how to attract
and date beautiful girls. Video advice on the Picking Up
guide they tried to ban can be seen at
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