If you have recently broken up with your
boyfriend/girlfriend you are probably asking yourself "how
can I go about getting back my ex?" You are probably in a
state of panic and want to get back with your ex

You are probably finding yourself falling into a
emotionally distressed and anxious state. Your first
instinct is to find out what went wrong. You are probably
wondering what you can do to patch things up with your ex
but you don't know where to start. Should you keep
calling, sending text messages or emailing your ex. Should
you resort to spying. Or, should you just beg him/her to
come back to you. Well, unfortunately resorting to any of
these tactics, will not only annoy your ex but result in
driving him/her further away.

At this point, what you really need to do is be strong and
maintain a rational state of mind. Don't do anything
frantic. Most importantly do not contact your ex. However,
when you start wondering "how can I go about getting back
my ex?" You can follow the 3 time tested steps below.

Step 1. Agree to the Break Up

This is where you are going to have to be emotionally
strong and use some reverse psychology. Explain to your ex
that you accept the break up and that you both should move
on. The process of "moving on" by itself will alleviate a
lot stress. During this time your ex will give the
relationship some thought. If he/she still wants to be with
you, it will happen.

Step 2. Do Not Call Your Ex

Do not contact your ex right after the break up. You will
both need a cooling off period of a month or two. This may
go against human nature, but this is very important step.
They are probably expecting you to contact them. So
Don?t. Do not attempt to talk to your ex
boyfriend/girlfriend right after the break up. By ceasing
communication you will be sending a message that you are
just fine and have moved on. This should accelerate
his/her thinking about the relationship and give them a
chance to evaluate their true feelings for you.

Step 3. Planning Ahead for a Meeting with Your Ex

Once the fog of war clears a month or two later, it is
safe to start planning your approach for a meeting with
your ex. According to experts it is critically important
that you DO PLAN out the entire process. That is, when and
where you will meet. And most importantly what you will
say. If you say the wrong thing you will blow it. Game

The process of getting back with an ex girlfriend or ex
boyfriend is not an exact science. However, if you follow
a basic strategy such as this, you will greatly improve
your chances of reconciliation. Good Luck.

There is no reason why you have to deal with this emotional
turmoil by yourself. Randy Simon owner of
http://www.gettingbackyourex123.com provides a complete
"psychological arsenal" of tips to help you feel better,
get your self esteem back and to successfully get your ex

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