Internet Dating Scam Advice

Posted by myGPT Team | 7:39 PM | 0 comments »

If you are looking for love online on one of the hundreds
of online dating websites, don't feel lonely, since there
are probably millions of lonely guys and gals around the
world looking for true love they couldn't find in their
offline lives. The only thing, however, that should raise
your eyebrows about online dating sites is the gigantic
number of fake profiles created to dupe the people like
you. YES! Online foreign dating scams are on the rise and
the number of people getting tricked is also increasing at
menacing speed.

Financial and emotional loss of the victim in such a
scenario is inexplicable. However, you should not get
carried away with what people are saying about online
dating scams. The truth is, and always remain, that if you
are cautious enough, ninety nine times out of hundred,
you'll avoid falling into the trap. And that can be
achieved only if you have sufficient knowledge about the
tricks these scamsters are up to and their modus operandi.
If you are one of the lonely hearts looking to find genuine
love online without getting scammed, read on.

The first thing that you need to look for in a suitable
partner on an online dating site is his or her profile. The
user profile is the first impression of the person you're
about to choose. And as they say, "First impression is
often the last impression!" The same holds true in case of
people uploading their profile on the online dating
websites. First comes the username. The red lines are
'sex-filled' username of a girl and 'handsome-wealthy'
username of a man. If any of these attributes are visible
in the usernames of the girl or man, simply look for
another suitable option!

Then come the photographs accompanying the profile. If the
girl is posing and looking like a drop-dead-gorgeous model
or movie star, or the boy has the picture of a
tall-dark-handsome man seeming like a model or movie star,
chances are that the profile is a fake or of non-serious
user who is either after sex or your money. However, this
does not mean that such profiles can never be genuine. If
all other aspects seem fine to you, then may be you have
chanced upon your dream girl or man!

If your date is asking for money in any form for whatever
reasons, simply run away for this is the most common trap
laid out by the scamsters.

While you are chatting with a user to assess your mutual
compatibility, watch out for the delay time of the response
from other end. If you are getting replies after a gap of
over 90 seconds, chances are that the person on the other
end is having multiple chats with other users and simply
out there fishing for novice users.

Another common trick that you need to watch out for is the
expression of love at an early stage. If the person at the
other end is bombarding you with love messages after just a
few email exchanges, you know what to do, don't you? Yeah!
Simply stop sending the replies for the person is a fake.

After exhaustive review of countless dating sites we found
the best foreign dating site to be Elenas Models at Visit this site now . . . to find
the love of your life and stop the loneliness! Also be sure
to check out his other health site on drfloras colon
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