If your heart has just been smashed by the person you love
the most, you have come to the right place. Right now it
seems like the pain will never end and that is completely
understandable. But it is this same pain that causes people
to act crazy and do a lot more damage than has already been
done. In this article I will discuss 3 great tips to get
your emotions under control again so that you can get them
back in record time.

** Forget about your ex for now **

To save you from yourself, this is probably one of the most
important things to do right now. Obsessing over your ex
and what they are doing right now will not help your
situation at all.

Rather take your mind off of your ex for the time being by
taking up an old hobby, going out with friends, starting
some exercise program or anything else you can think of to
avoid your life coming to a standstill.

** Lack of contact, abundance of healing **

Over the years it has become a proven fact that contact
after a break-up should be avoided like the plague. Shortly
after your ex hit the road you are still very emotional and
especially needy.

Neediness is the number one attraction killer in existence.
By trying to call your ex to explain to them why they
should come back, it will only drive them further away -
sometimes to the point of no return.

By trying to contact them the whole time, you are giving
them attention they definitely do not deserve right now.
They just broke your heart and here you are trying to save
the situation?

Stop. The time will come when you phone your ex again for
the first time, but until then be sure to avoid contact.

** Act like the break-up was the best idea ever! **

This little trick seems to work almost every single time.
Right after a break-up your ex almost expects you to come
crawling back, begging, crying and pleading to take you

Now let's do the opposite and rock your ex's world! What
you are going to do is pretend as if the break-up was the
most fantastic idea. Say that you have been thinking about
it as well and that you are relieved that your ex said

This will throw your ex off completely. Now don't be
surprised if they call you soon, "just to hear how you are
doing" while in reality they are trying to figure out why
you are so cool with the break-up.

At this point you start playing hard-to-get. It's a
beautiful cycle really, because at this point you will have
gained the power and your ex will start becoming the needy

These are a few things you should do to get yourself sorted
out. The list doesn't stop here, though. More importantly
is the things you should do right now to get your ex back.
What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Read the
following page carefully -- it holds the final key if you
want to know how to get your ex back:

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