Okay. The damage has been done, the words have been spoken.
You've had time to nurse your wounded heart and your mind
has gone endlessly around various situations wondering
where things went wrong. You're probably feeling totally
emotionally exhausted.

Then it begins to happen. Your ex seems to be sending out
signals that a kiss-and-make-up scene is on the cards. The
emotional turmoil that this ignites in you should be
handled VERY carefully, because you don't want to look too
much like a puppet whose strings they still control. So
some aloofness (yes, hide that wildly beating heart of
yours) is in order.

It may be helpful to think about what is happening for them
that is resulting in them sending out these come hither

1. You have built a history together, whether a long or
short one, but there are places, people and situations that
trigger memories for your ex, possibly even wistful ones

2. They may genuinely be wondering if they have made a bad
decision in letting you go. Absence may be making their
heart feel more fondly of you. Yes, this is the one we all
dream about!

However, their motives may not always be as pure as the
first two. Consider these:

3. They may wish to test you, to see how easily they can
control you. They're just trying to feed their ego and
have no intentions of actually reconciling with you.

4. Maybe they are at a loose end, with no one else on the
scene, and are just expecting you to fill a temporary gap
in their life until they get a better offer. For women,
they expect at least a free meal. For men, they expect at
least free sex.

5. And, perhaps the most cruel of all, they are out to
break your heart all over again, either in revenge for
something they think you've done to them, or maybe even
because they're a complete sociopath. About ten percent of
our population, unfortunately, fall into this group (and
yes, it's most often men).

So take your time to carefully consider and respond to the
situation. If your ex's motives are honorable, this will
increase their respect and their longing for you. If
you're ex's motives are anything less than honorable, your
delay will surely get under their skin and annoy them.

Think very carefully before jumping into the reconciliation
too eagerly. You could possibly be entering a trap if you
are unwary.

Marlowe Aster's romance and life coaching rekindles the
hopes and dreams for those who feel lost, stuck, trapped,
confused or overwhelmed. If you are looking for a
comprehensive source of tried-and-true strategic tips for
getting back together with your ex, then do yourself a huge
favor and check out this great resource =>

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