Is your dating not going the way you might like?
Experiencing some dating challenges? Not achieving the
results you'd hoped for? Perhaps you need some motivation
to get you back in the market?

Here are 5 quick and easy relationship tips to follow that
will get you results and finding the right relationship in
no time.

1. First tip is if you don't immdediate success with your
dates, don't get frustrated. Keep in mind there are
millions of girls but only a few that are compatible with
you. Dating is like screening. You must realise that you
will be dating a number of different women until you find
one that clicks with you and your personality.

2. Focus on keeping the conversation upbeat and alive, and
don't be tempted to talk about yourself the entire time,
even though you (like many people) may feel comfortable
doing this. A key bit of research strongly suggests that
people are most interested in those that ask about them, so
ask questions! Not prying questions; sincere ones that show
you are interested in them. Be engaged in what the topic
is. Control the conversation by keeping it fun, light and
interesting. If you're really interested in your date, try
to avoid divulging how much you want a relationship. Just
make it clear that they are "great company" and let them
know you are eager to see them more.

3. One of the key relationship tips is not to lie,
exaggerate or say things to simply try to impress your
date. This will come back to bite you in the future. If a
girl is not impressed with who you are and what you have to
offer, your best bet is to simply cut your losses and avoid
a second date. It doesn't matter how pretty she is or how
badly you want to be with her, you cannot have a successful
relationship with someone who doesn't mutually feel the

4. Think about this - what do you want from a date if you
really like that person? Probably you want it to be unique
and unforgettable right? Then think what you can do to help
achieve that in the mind of your date. Yes, dinner and a
movie are great but lets face it, that's been done to death
- try to be more original than that. One of the best
relationship tips is this - aim to set yourself apart from
all the others. What about the first date being a boat
ride, a trip to the zoo, a sports event, a museum or
historic building, anything that can be entertaining and
offers the opportunity for good and easy conversation, and
you'll find this will capture attention, and possibly her
heart. If you want to take her for food, try something new
and interesting - what about a picnic? - it doesn't have to
be a fancy restaurant.

5. This one is crucial - don't talk about your past
relationships. OK this may be an one of the more obvious
relationship tips, but it's amazing how many people still
get the conversation pulled into talking about the 'ex'. No
one intends to talk about their ex-boyfriend or
ex-girlfriend but it still happens. On future dates you
will have the chance to pour out your heart once the
relationship is clearly stronger to take hearing all past
stuff, but don't do it on the first few dates. Leave that
information at home.

Finally just remember that most women have seen the same
dating scenarios and are looking for 'something different'
in their life. That's what you need to bring to your
dating. So take on board these 5 relationship tips and
you're sure to raise your dating game and improve your
success on future dates.

Whilst in the 'singles market' Steve & Louise were
challenged by the same issues most people experience when
dating. In an effort to get answers to their dating
challenges, they spent months reviewing an array of advice,
help and support resources for dating issues - some good,
and some not so good. This is a summary of some of the best
products they discovered: -
Facts, Product Info & Customer Feedback

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