If you're the sort of person who likes to buck the trend;
if you hate being the same as every one else; if you LOVE
buying presents that the recipient tells everyone about
with a grin, then hopefully these four ideas will be right
up your alley.
1. The Most Annoying Alarm Clock Known To Man.
This one's great if you have a friend that you really want
to annoy. It's a clock that shoots four puzzle pieces into
the air when the alarm goes off.
The alarm keeps ringing until the pieces are in correctly.
They'll ether love it or it will end up being tossed in
frustration off a 26 storey building. Either way it's a
memorable gift.
To annoy a friend with this gift simply type 'puzzle alarm
clock' into Google.
2. Adopt-A-Tree...but not just any tree.
This one's great for lovers of travel and fine French
cuisine...and it could also put some spare change into the
pocket of the receipient every now and then
There is a business known as Truffle Tree who will plant a
tree on your behalf in a 20m square plot in French truffle
If a truffle happens to be found on your plot, it will be
harvested, sold and you will receive the profits at the end
of the season...or alternatively you can have the truffle
posted to you.
3. Purchasing real estate...on the moon
Head over to THE LUNAR EMBASSY, and buy that special
someone a piece of lunar property.
This business has been selling moon blocks for over two
decades and claims to be the only company legally able to
do this.
If the moon doesn't really do it for you (it does look a
bit dull), they have a range of other galactic gift ideas
from with our solar system.
4. Vintage Atari Games
Remember the good old days when computer graphics were all
about stick men, and sound effects didn't go much further
than a beep and a buzz?
Get retro and head back to the early days of video arcade
games with a collection of Atari's Classic Games.
This gift obviously isn't for every one, but is surprising
how many people talk fondly about the Atari as it was the
first time many people had played any sort of computer game.
This is the perfect gift to give to people you've been
friends with for decades, especially if you spent every
afternoon together after school beating each other up
These are just a few ideas to get you started, hopefully
they will give you some ideas that you can run with in your
hunt for an unusual gift
Kate Stephen is the Director Of Red Ribbon Gifts - a
boutique online gift store located in Australia that
specialises in stylish retail gifts from smaller
manufacturers and up & coming designers. Originally
focusing on gifts for her, the business has recently
expanded to include a gifts for him and a corporate gifts
range. Visit Red Ribbon Gifts today to find birthday gifts
for him
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