There are friendship relationships and then the romantic
relationships. Hopefully both types will be happy but that
is not always the case. Either type of relationships can
have its problems.
One person in that relationship can so something to upset
the other one. Then the relationship is strained with tense
The two people involved have to wade through this to
salvage their relationships then. There is not just one way
to fix this problem. Everyone's feelings heal at different
You like other people try to go through your relationships
without making anyone upset. There are just times that
things don't go right. Now unless you want the
relationships to end, you have to do something to make
amends for your actions that upset your friend (or
boyfriend or girlfriend).
You might be one of those people that have trouble
apologizing in person. If you are than find another way of
apologizing so that the relationship can heal. You don't
want to leave the hard feelings there if a simple apology
would remove them. You may consider writing an apology
This letter should be very carefully worded so that is
sounds sincere. It is easy for people to misinterpret the
written word, so choose your words carefully. Speak of how
you understand what you have done wrong and how upset they
are. Most of the time the person that is upset just wants
an apology and promise that the issue will not happen
again. If the relationship was strong enough it will
survive this upset and last for years after it.
The letter of apology should be short and right to the
point. You should remember you are writing this because you
care for this other person. If the letter is too long and
complicated to read it may not be taken as serious by the
person as a short more direct one. Below is a sample.
Sample Letter Of Apology:
Dear (insert person's name),
I know that my recent behavior (you can further explain
this if needed) has upset you deeply. I never meant for
this to happen. Is there are way I can make up for this
upsetting situation?
I would be more than happy to do what I can to prove to you
my sincerity on this matter. If you only let me know how I
can do this. Can we meet and talk face to face and discuss
this openly. I promise to listen in detail to what you have
to say on this matter.
Your friendship (adjust this word to fit the relationship
level) means too much to me not to try to repair what I
broke. Please let me have a chance to try.
I am so truly sorry that my behavior has caused you any
problems. Please forgive my actions, I promise to do better
in the future to keep this from happening again. I will be
waiting to hear your answer.
Love (or your friend whichever fits best),
(Your Name)
Now that you see what an apology letter should be get busy
writing yours. You will feel better apologizing for you
actions even if the other does not accept you apology. Most
people do have a tendency to accept a sincere apology
though. Just remember to choose your words carefully.
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