In virtually half of relationships, somebody cheats at some
point. It's an unfortunate statistic, but sadly many
unions are finishing because of due to dishonesty on the
end of one of the parties. If you need to find out how to
catch a cheater, we are going to give you a fast and easy
way to discover if your girlfriend or boyfriend is cheating.

This only takes two hours at the most. We will break it
down into three steps for you to keep it simple.

Stage #1:

This is the toughest step - you need to find your spouse's
mobile phone for at least fifteen minutes without risking
getting caught. Determine a time where you will not have
to worry about getting caught while inspecting their mobile

A couple of thoughts as to when to accomplish this are:
wait for them to step in the bath, wait for them to run out
to the shopping mall without their phone or stay up and
wait for them to and look at it in another area of your
house when they're sleeping. The above are only a couple
of suggestions to think about..

Stage #2:

After you have the phone in your possession, locate the
call log list on the phone so that you can see all the
incoming and outgoing calls that have occurred.

When you find the list of calls on their phone, grab a
sheet of paper and write out each telephone number on the
phone. This won't take you very long to do. Naturally,
set the cellphone back in the place you got it once you're

Stage Three:

Now it's time to discover the answers you need..

In this stage you're going to learn precisely who your
partner has been talking to so that you can determine if
there is a chance that they are cheating.

For you to know precisely who owns each of the telephone
numbers that is on your list, you're going to use what is
referred to as a reverse phone number search.

A reverse phone search lets you take a number and discover
full details about the owner of the cellphone. You will
get full information on the person (address, name, etc).

To utilize a reverse cell phone search you will need to
shell out a couple of dollars - don't stress out though
they are incredibly inexpensive. For this step, since your
paper will probably have more than just one number, you
should find a company that offers unlimited searches for
just a one-time fee. This will let you only pay the once
and you can run a search for every phone number on your

You guessed it - conduct a reverse phone lookup for each
telephone number you took down and write out the details
that come up. Have a close look at the names on your paper
when you have conducted a search on each phone number.
Naturally, anything suspicious will jump off the page.

Nobody should be betrayed and this way of catching a
cheating partner is an easy means to find out if anything
is going on. It's a quick and good way to find out the

Go to to try a
sample reverse phone lookup to see exactly how this works!

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