The Magic of Making Up - Is it for You?

Posted by myGPT Team | 3:11 PM | 0 comments »

Copyright (c) 2009 Rick Hammon


TW Jackson is not your typical relationship advisor. He is
not a psychologist or a doctor, or a certified counsellor.
His site says that his background is mostly in the US
military. He joined the Navy when he was 17 years old and
moved on to the military some years later. Over his long
career in the military, he lived in 11 countries and 5
different US states.

According to TW Jackson himself, living among so many
different cultures forced him to learn to deal with all
kinds of people and has given him a keen sense of "what
makes people tick".

After some years Jackson said he became the "go to" guy
among his friends and co-workers when someone was having
realationship issues. With much practice under his belt,
Jackson says that he became really good at fixing broken
relationships in military couples where the divorce rate is
quite high compared to the regular population.

Years later, he put together a sort of "stop my break up"
manual called The Magic of Making Up to help anyone dealing
with relationship issues.


The main idea behind The Magic of Making Up is that all
relationship issues are solvable, IF the two people
involved can find some way of stepping out of the emotional
storm long enough to deal with real reason they are
fighting. The Magic of Making up system is said to work
even if only one of the two people involved applies it.

He says that the real root causes of any breakup are not
hard to understand, they are often just difficult to see
because of the intense emotions and automatic reactions
that get in the way. His main idea is that if you can
teach yourself to stop the "storm" and look at the issues
with a calmer mind, you will often see that the problem you
thought was big, isn't so big at all and is not difficult
to solve.

This approach is not much different than you would find
with a relationship counselor. However, Jackson claims
that the strength of his system is the very specific
techniques and behavior modifications he has developed and
tested over time. These techniques are supposed to teach
couples exactly what to do and say to stop the storm and
get into a position where they can more intelligently look
at what is going on.

Ofcourse, no one system can be a perfect fit for everyone
and every system has it pros and cons. If you are looking
for advice on your relationship, take a look at the Magic
of Making Up and see if it might be for you.

Rick Hammon is a blogger and freelance writer who loves to
write informative and helpful articles on a variety of
topics. To read a full written review of the Magic of
Making Up Program visit =>

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