You are almost out of time my friend...if you're here it
means you're looking for a last minute birthday gift for
her and you obviously have no idea what to get. Am I right?

I'm going to say this right up front - I can't promise
you'll find the answer here, but hopefully you'll at least
leave armed with some ammunition.


This one's a little bit tongue-in-cheek (almost an homage
to Seinfeld)...but before you disregard it entirely, let me
assure you - there is actually an ethical way of making
this work.

There are three keys points that need to be covered:

1) The gift needs to have genuine value
2) It needs to be completely unused and still in its
original packaging
3) You need to have a genuine belief the recipient will
appreciate the gift more than you do.

If you were given a gift in the past, it is still sitting
at home and it meets the above 3 criteria then re-gifting
may actually work in your situation.

Make sure that it is not well known that someone else gave
you this item as a gift and you shouldn't have any problems.

The Group Gift

Ask other friends if they have bought anything and offer to
help pay for the item. Just be sure not to go about
bragging that you came up with the idea for the gift -
that's a great way to turn friends against you.

This one obviously doesn't really work if you are in a
relationship with her.

Online Tickets

Women love receiving gifts that they perceive as having had
some thought put into them. A great way to cover this is to
give her tickets to something that is playing in the future
- whether its a concert, a play or a show.

If you find an upcoming event that you know she will love,
you can jump online right now and have the tickets
purchased in about five minutes.

Things don't come much better than that when you've left it
to the last minute to find her a birthday gift.


The restaurant meal is always great to have as a standby.
This one works even better if you can convince a few
friends to come along and tell her that you have had it
planned for weeks. Well a few days at least.

There are plenty of options for you if you're looking for a
last minute gift for her. Just take a minute to think about
what she likes and try and match that with a gift that you
can purchase or book straight away.

You may need to hit the local shopping mall and aimlessly
wander between stores waiting for inspiration to hit...and
it will eventually.You just need to be a bit patient.

Kate Stephen is the Director Of Red Ribbon Gifts - a
boutique online gift store located in Australia that
specialises in stylish retail gifts from smaller
manufacturers and up & coming designers. Originally
focusing on gifts for her, the business has recently
expanded to include a gifts for him and a corporate gifts
range. Visit Red Ribbon Gifts today to find birthday gifts
for her

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