In about 50% of the relationships some kind of cheating is
involved. This is a terrible fact, but numerous
relationships end due to dishonesty from one side or
another more and more these days. Do you desire to know how
to catch a cheater? Here is a simple method of discovering
if your partner or spouse is cheating.

It is not hard to do and you can know in under 2 hours once
you start. To make it simple we have broken this down into
3 steps.

Step One:

This part is the toughest - try to grab your partner's cell
phone (when you won't get caught) for about 10 minutes. You
should be able to do this since it is only for 10 minutes -
just pick a good time.

A few suggestions for doing this are: do it when they are
taking a bath, maybe they will take a trip to the store and
leave it at home, or maybe the best time is when they are
sleeping then take it to a different room to look at it.
You are the best judge of the right times though, these are
just a few samples of how some have done it.

Step Two:

After you get their phone then locate the phone's call
logs. You want to examine all calls whether incoming or
outgoing that have been made.

Even write down all the phone numbers that you find on
these lists. Even if there are numerous calls this should
only take you about 10 minutes - then return the phone to
the place it was.

Step Three:

Here is the last step in discovering if there is suspicious
stuff going on with your relationship.

You need to find who belongs to these phone numbers that
were on your partner's cell phone. This will inform you
what people they have been talking to.

You can find whose phone number it is by looking in the
reverse lookup online phone directory. This is a key point
in helping discover a cheater.

Reverse lookup will give you all the information on the
phone's owner. You will discover not only the person's
identity but also their address and some information on
their background.

A service that specializes in reverse look up will need to
be used for this. They are not too expensive but do cost a
bit of money. Make sure the one you use has a 1-time
membership fee with unlimited amount of look ups. This way
you do not have to pay per number, which is usually more

Yes you got it - do a reverse look up on each number you
made a list of and copy the details down. As you are
running the search on the numbers, pay attention to the
list and see if the names or call activity start being
suspicious. If something smells a bit FISHY it will stand
out big time.

This is the simplest of the ways to uncover a cheater and
discover if your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse is being
true to you. It is a strong, simple way to find the truth
as far as your relationship goes.

To try a reverse phone lookup to and see how it works, go

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