Audio books have now become so popular that sales actually
topped the 1 billion dollar mark in 2007, this is double
what they where two years ago, and the trend looks set to
continue upwards. So just why are they so popular and why
are 28% of Americans and Europeans listening to them?

Let us see if we can itemize the benefits of buying an
audio edition as opposed to the printed book.

Firstly: They are a great time saver due to the fact that
you can listen to them just about anywhere and anytime even
when doing other things. I personally like to listen to my
favorite audiobook whilst driving to and from work and have
used this time to further my education, which in my
particular case is learning foreign languages. But you
don't have to be driving to listen to you favorite book,
you could be out walking the dog, cycling, exercising or
doing just about anything. Well not quite anything, it
would be a bit difficult to listen to your favorite audio
book and watch television at the same time.

This brings us to our second benefit: That is simply that
most people love reading but don't have that much time. By
listening to audio when you would not be able to read, for
example when driving, then you are making good use of
otherwise dead time.

If you are ambitious and want to educate yourself to get
ahead in your chosen career then using your commuting time
and listening to audio on your mp3 player or ipod is a good
use of otherwise dead time.

Thirdly: I know this may seem fairly obvious but audio
books are absolutely great for blind people or people with
impaired vision. With audio anyone with any form of
disability can enjoy a book whenever they want.

By listening to spoken books people with visual impairment
can learn new hobbies and help to educate themselves and
simply enjoy listening to their favorite book.

Fourthly: For people recovering in hospital or even older
people who may have problems actually holding a book then
the obvious solution would be an audio book.

If we look closer we can find even more benefits of
listening to our favorite book on audio, such as helping
children with there literacy, but it looks like the spoken
word as opposed to the written word is now here to stay
with more and more people everyday exploring the exciting
world of audio books.

David Sharp invites you to his Very Best Audio Books
website where you can download audio books from a range of
over 8000 of the most popular audio titles, here at:

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