Get your ex back

Posted by myGPT Team | 2:37 AM | 0 comments »

The path to get your ex back may seem long and is not
always easy. It's best to picture it as being littered with
emotional landmines and booby-traps. One wrong step and:
boom! No second chance.

The trouble is that the vast majority of people who are
trying to get their ex back take that wrong step because it
'just seemed like it was the right thing to do', or 'my
instincts told me it would work.'Fact: if you are emotional
stressed and try to make emotional decisions your decisions
are more than likly going to be one sided and subsequently

Consider this: experience has proven time and time again
that you don't go with your gut feelings if you want to get
your ex back.

For example ... Once you have got your ex lover back into
some kind of communication with you,it can seem like the
perfect time to let them know you feelings and emotions
concerning the bust up. Right? Gut feeling says 'yes'. But
experience shows nine times out of ten that this is a
disastrous time to be doing such a thing and the
relationship never subsequently heals!

So read the following action-steps carefully. They may
'feel' wrong, but whether in solving a simple lover's tiff
or an insanely complicated divorce, they've been shown to
get results.


Make the effort necessary to accept that your relationship
has indeed broken up. This can be tough. People who don't
except this fact usually try to go back in time and try to
rebuild their relationship from 'that time when it was
good', you have to realize that won't work. The good times
have been and gone, and you are know stuck in the bad
times. If you are going to try and fix a relationship you
have to start fixing it from the point things started to go

Another benefit benefit for accepting that you have broken
up is that you will gain time. That means your ex has the
chance to get over any bad feelings they may have and you
will be starting afresh, and your are not trying to work
over the top of the upset of the break-up.


So you've accepted the break-up.

Now, you need to stop communicating with your ex.

So! before you push the "Go"button to off,stop and think!
This action has several powerful effect on your ex. It
shows that you really have decided that you've broken up
and suggests to them that they may have no further hold on
you. It shows you're independent. It lets your ex miss you!
and think about you, this planned silence will also raise a
curiosity in your ex,and a certain pycholigical pressure,
"the pressure of silence" are you scepticall? have you ever
been in a room full of people and no one is speaking to
anyone, how did you feel?


There are several next steps that you could take. They
depend on your exact situation. They are NOT usually the
things your 'gut feeling' tells you to do! The idea is,
basically, now that you have set up your ex to be thinking
positive thoughts about you, to arrange events so that you
can meet in the right way to re-establish a good rapport.

Maybe that sounds like a good thing to do IMMEDIATELY! Gut
response, right? Don't do it unless you want your plans to
explode into dust and ashes among those landmines.

You may be shouting NO!! and throwing objects at the screen
by now. But - you want to get your ex back - right? So
think with your head. Not your intestines! Ignore those gut
feelings, accept your break-up, cut off communication, get
a gameplan and you've got a much better chance of success.

If your are desperately trying to get an ex lover back.Then
possible we can give you some useful advice,from how to
write a to your ex, to how to write a perfect poem to help
you win your ex back.

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